Parents and guardians

Visit us at one of our open events

We know that helping your child to make decisions about their future can be a daunting task. There are a number of ways that we can help you support them.

Open events

You will find our dedicated careers and admissions teams on hand to tell you more about the different opportunities, whether that be a vocational course such as a BTEC, an apprenticeship, or traditional A-Levels. We have more than 500 courses to choose from in a range of interesting subjects so there is something for everyone, whatever they want to be.

Our open events provide you with an opportunity to meet our qualified industry experienced tutors involved with the delivery of courses as well as look around our facilities and resources available. We also hold a number of parent talks which will give you the information and reassurance needed to help you and your child make an informed decision about coming to a college environment rather than staying on at school.

You might even find an evening course that takes your fancy.

View our open events


Visit our mythbusters page to clarify any concerns you may have.


We will provide plenty of practical support for your child throughout the application process, but parental support is still important. You can help by:

  • Encouraging your child to gather all the necessary information to complete the application form – available online or at the back of every prospectus
  • Providing any information needed to make applications for student funding support, such as evidence of household income
  • Informing the College of any change to your child’s contact details
  • Ensuring that when communicating with the College your son or daughter uses an appropriate personal email address, not one linked to school