Safeguarding team host Christmas collection for local food banks

The Safeguarding team at South Essex College hosted a Christmas food bank collection across all campuses to help those in need this Christmas.

The collection ran for a period of one month where staff and students were encouraged to donate food and/or toiletries into boxes at each reception across the campuses.

Each campus received a large box full of donations of dried foods, tins, cans and other toiletries all of which will go to local community organisations surrounding the specific campus.

The local community organisations include the Southend Vineyard Storehouse, The Basildon foodbank under The Trussell Trust, The Corringham Centre under The Trussell Trust and the Yellow Door charity on Canvey Island.

Louise Pinks, Safeguarding Adviser, said: “Christmas can be a tough time for a lot of people in the community and small donations of food and toiletries can really make a difference.

“We are so pleased with the substantial amount of donations from everybody across the campuses and can’t thank them enough for their contributions.”