Job Vacancies

E-recruit service

We’ve launched a new way for you to apply for jobs here at South Essex College.

By registering through our E-recruit service you can apply for any of our vacancies, at any time, without the need to re-enter your details for each application.

You can also sign-up for job alerts making sure you never miss out on the opportunity to apply for that job you’ve been waiting for.

To find out why and how we collect and use personal data you can view our privacy notice.

Launch E-recruit

 Having trouble accessing our E-recruit service? Check our status page for any known issues or scheduled maintenance. If you experience an issue, please send an email.
Sending your CV

To send your CV or enquire about vacancies please email a member of the HR/Recruitment team at

Assistance with applications

If you require assistance with the application process please email a member of the HR team at

Apprenticeship opportunities

We also often have apprenticeship opportunities at South Essex College and further afield.

Inclusivity at South Essex College

We are an equal opportunity employer. All candidates are welcomed at the college without regard to ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.